Sunday, December 30, 2018

Features, Hardware & Challanges for a Multimedia System

Desirable Features & Hardware for a Multimedia System
·         Very High Processing Power - needed to deal with large data processing and real time delivery of media. Special hardware commonplace.
·         Multimedia Capable File System - needed to deliver real-time media -- e.g. Video/Audio Streaming. Special Hardware/Software needed e.g RAID technology.
·         Data Representations/File Formats that support multimedia - Data representations/file formats should be easy to handle yet allow for compression/decompression in real-time.
·         Efficient and High I/O - input and output to the file subsystem needs to be efficient and fast. Needs to allow for real-time recording as well as playback of data. e.g. Direct to Disk recording systems.
·         Special Operating System - to allow access to file system and process data efficiently and quickly. Needs to support direct transfers to disk, real-time scheduling, fast interrupt processing, I/O streaming etc.
·         Storage and Memory - large storage units (of the order of 50 -100 Gb or more) and large memory (50 -100 Mb or more). Large Caches also required and frequently of Level 2 and 3 hierarchy for efficient management.
·         Network Support - Client-server systems common as distributed systems common.
·         Software Tools - user friendly tools needed to handle media, design and develop applications, deliver media. 

Supporting multimedia applications over a computer network renders the application distributed. This will involve many special computing techniques -- discussed later.
Multimedia systems may have to render a variety of media at the same instant -- a distinction from normal applications. There is a temporal relationship between many forms of media (e.g. Video and Audio. There 2 are forms of problems here

  1. Sequencing within the media -- playing frames in correct order/time frame in video
  2. Synchronisation -- inter-media scheduling (e.g. Video and Audio). Lip synchronisation is clearly important for humans to watch playback of video and audio and even animation and audio. Ever tried watching an out of (lip) sync film for a long time?
The key issues multimedia systems need to deal with here are:
  • How to represent and store temporal information.
  • How to strictly maintain the temporal relationships on play back/retrieval
  • What process are involved in the above.
Data has to represented digitally so many initial source of data needs to be digitize -- translated from analog source to digital representation. The will involve scanning (graphics, still images), sampling (audio/video) although digital cameras now exist for direct scene to digital capture of images and video.
The data is large several Mb easily for audio and video -- therefore storage, transfer (bandwidth) and processing overheads are high. Data compression techniques are very common.


Multimedia and its component

As the name implies, multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media. This includes text, graphics, audio, video, etc.
Multimedia can have a many definitions these include:
Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (i.e., text, graphics drawings, images).
A good general definition is:
Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.
A Multimedia Application is an Application which uses a collection of multiple media sources e.g. text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation and/or video.
Hypermedia can be considered as one of the multimedia applications.

For example, a presentation involving audio and video clips would be considered a "multimedia presentation." Educational software that involves animations, sound, and text is called "multimedia software." CDs and DVDs are often considered to be "multimedia formats" since they can store a lot of data and most forms of multimedia require a lot of disk space.
Due to the advancements in computer speeds and storage space, multimedia is commonplace today. Therefore, the term doesn't produce the same excitement is once did. This also means it is not as overused as it was back in the late '90s.

 Components (Hardware and Software) required for a multimedia system:
·         Capture devices -- Video Camera, Video Recorder, Audio Microphone, Keyboards, mice, graphics tablets, 3D input devices, tactile sensors, VR devices. Digitising/Sampling Hardware
·         Storage Devices -- Hard disks, CD-ROMs, Jaz/Zip drives, DVD, etc
·         Communication Networks -- Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, ATM, Intranets, Internets.
·         Computer Systems -- Multimedia Desktop machines, Workstations, MPEG/VIDEO/DSP Hardware
·         Display Devices -- CD-quality speakers, HDTV,SVGA, Hi-Res monitors, Colour printers etc.